Wednesday 2 July 2008

Queen Victoria...the bottle didn't break.

When Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, named the newest Cunarder, Queen Victoria, the champagne bottle didn't break. Sailors everywhere will tell you that this is an omen of unspeakable torment and ill fortune. Seems it hasn't taken long for the magic to work.

In addition to this, there's been an outbreak of the dreaded Norovirus, scourge of the cruise industry, a rather ugly ruckus where a number of gay passengers where put off following a complaint by a number of 'Grill' passengers (sharp intake of breath) as to some shenanigans in the spa. Ooh err.

Crowning achievement, though, and the event almost certain to ensure Camilla is kept at least a hundred miles from Southampton in the future, is that Queen Victoria smashed into the berth in Malta in May 2008, causing £50 million pounds worth of damage.

Cunard, what ever were you thinking.


  1. Speaking about the Champagne and the bottle not breaking. Is it true that when a ship crosses the equator or the greenwich meridian line that Sailor's should toast themselves & the Captain, toast the Ship and toast Neptune of the seas? So basically have a swig yourself, tip a drop on board, then throw the rest into the sea?? Very very interesting. I mentioned yesterday that my Husband would be very interested in this and he has asked a Colleague at work today who used to deliver luxury yachts for Sunseeker all around the globe and he used to do this.... By the way he has put the trip on the QV on hold!!!!! Not joking, I told you he would!!

  2. Certainly crossing the line, or equator, comes with ceremonies which vary in intensity and brutality. Most navies perform a similar thing, but the American variant is rather vulgar and overdone. Old salts the world over will offer the first bottle cap full of the new drink into the deep as a toast to Neptune, a tradition like so many others, with its foundation in superstition. Just like many sailors refusing to set foot on a vessel whose naming ceremony failed to smash the bottle of champagne over the bows, as was the case with Cunard's unfortunate Queen Victoria.
